Persuasive Measures
Term 3 Weeks 1-5
Integrated Text Task D

In this unit students apply and build upon knowledge and skill established in semester 1, with regards to interacting collaboratively when expressing, interpreting, analysing and evaluating their ideas. They will continue to develop understanding of evaluative language, introduced in the previous unit, as they explore persuasive techniques in oral, visual and written text. The unit accumulates in a written letter. The purpose and subject of the letter to be provided by the classroom teacher.


Text Task

During a sequence of lessons, you will explore key persuasive techniques used in oral, visual and written text. The first part of your text task is to demonstrate your developing understandings of these key techniques through your lesson notes and reflections. You will then apply this knowledge to write a persuasive letter, which addresses a subject and purpose provided by your teacher.

Week 1 Lesson 1

Take Note.
We all learn in our own remarkable way. Take the time to develop sketch-note skills that will enhance your comprehension of oral, visual and written text, and get ready for even greater learning success.

Week 1 Lesson 2

Sketch-note as you research speaking and listening techniques.

Get your sketch-note tools ready. Take sketch-notes as you develop listening and speaking skills. Then use your new knowledge to improve your listening skills and help a friend do the same. Don’t forget to write a reflection at the end of the lesson.

Week 1 Lesson 3

Listen. Learn. Live.

Listen to learn. Listen to live easy with what you hear.  Don’t forget to write a reflection at the end of the lesson.

Week 2 Lesson 4

Do you have something to say?
Practise makes perfect. Practise sketch-note skills, and practise the art of active listening and speaking. Practise your active listening as you view an expert speaker. Then use what you learn to practise your speaking skills. Don’t forget to write a reflection at the end of the lesson.

Week 2 Lesson 5

What are you teaching the world?
Practise makes perfect. Review your sketch-notes to enhance skill development. You nearly ready to give a very persuasive speech – just like Kid President? Don’t forget to write a reflection at the end of the lesson.

Week 2 Lesson 6

Pick up the book from the shelf. Which one?
We have learned how powerful our visual memory can be and how we can make it even more powerful through visual notetaking. But can we also communicate our ideas, knowledge and feelings through images? Of course, you can! Let’s look at the experts to find out how. Don’t forget to write a reflection at the end of the lesson.

Week 3 Lesson 7

Pathos, Ethos and Logos – sounds like Greek to me …
Aristotle was called the father of rhetoric. He was Greek. Who is Aristotle and what is rhetoric? And how is that going to make you more ‘persuasive’? Let’s find out together, shall we? (By the way, they were all rhetorical questions.) What’s a rhetorical question? (That was another one.) Don’t forget to write a reflection at the end of the lesson.

Week 3 Lesson 8

Key Persuasive Devices
Learn key persuasive devices to use in written text. Choose the ones that suit your texting purpose and style best and get ready to use them in your persuasive letter. Don’t forget to write a reflection at the end of the lesson.

Week 3 Lesson 9

Formative Task
Complete your lesson notes and activities ready to demonstrate your learning so far in this unit. Tidy up your pages, ensure you have dated and edited your work, and check with your teacher or peers that you haven’t missed anything.

Week 4 Lesson 10

Persuasive Letter Writing
Another persuasive letter to write … Another? Yes … of course another! Do you remember writing one before! Only this time, you’ll do it better – because that’s what successful learners do!

Week 4 Lesson 11

Watch the Grammar Kick In!
Every day you have learned and practised grammar in a sentence. By building this habit, you will automatically begin to make better text choices. A quick text analysis of the sample persuasive text will prove it. Make sure you have a copy of the sample text. You will also need your new author kits and colour pencils ready.

Week 4 Lesson 12

Learn some more keyboard and word processing skills
View a few more word processing skills and have a go yourself next time you have a computer available. Keep practising keyboard skills on your Write On It or ‘air keyboard’.

Week 5 Lesson 13

Summative Task
Put into practise your new learning. New authors persuasively communicating their ideas, knowledge and feelings.