Title: Identifying author’s intention (theme, POV, tense, mood and tone)

Term 1

In this unit students identify the elements of literature that give voice to the author’s intention: theme, POV, tense, mood and tone. They will organize information collected about literature (familiar narrative texts) when identifying and comparing different author’s intentions. They will express their conclusions in a simple paragraph. They will use this knowledge when respond in an innovative and engaging way to a piece of literature.
Please discuss the unit’s Text Task before beginning the lesson sequence.
Organise suitable literature to be available for students for the duration of the term. These can be a set text or multiple copies of a variety of texts. Include film and other text types. The focus is traditional tales.

Text Task
Identify the elements of literature that give voice to an author’s intention. These elements include theme, POV, tense, mood and tone. Use this knowledge to analyze and compare two pieces of literature. Apply this knowledge to respond innovatively when creating a letter written from the point of view of a character connected to the narrative.

Week 1

What is Literature and why do we study it?

Week 2

What is Author’s theme?

Week 3

More about Author’s theme?

Week 4

What is point of view (POV)?

Week 5

Formative Task

Week 6

What is mood?

Week 7

What has time got to do with tense?

Week 8

Revise tenses while studying the structure of a personal letter

Week 9

Summative Task