Grammar Basics
Click on the portals below to view video lessons and download resources.
Helpful Determiners
Who knew that those tiny words before a noun could do so much!
More Helpful Determiners
Without determiners sentences go to the dogs in this delightful story from
Determined Pronouns
Sometimes pronouns are part of the noun. Sometimes they replace the noun. Learn why at the Primary English Lab.
Lesson 4
Nouns Rock!
Rock your nouns at the School House!
Lesson 5
Single to Plural? How but?
Create sentences that demonstrate singular or plural nouns.
Lesson 6
Plural Pronouns
Plural pronouns go with plural nouns. That makes sense. Wait – what?
Lesson 7
Start a Collection
What are we collecting?
Nouns of course!
Lesson 8
Collective Nouns in Sentences
A quirky little story helps us learn how to create sentences with collective nouns.
Lesson 9
Collective Noun and Verb Agreement Policy
Plural and singular collective nouns are also a ‘thing’ – or should that be ‘things’’?
Lesson 10
Common and Proper Nouns
Capital or not to capital … that’s the question.
Lesson 11
Pronouns, Common and Proper Agreement
Create noun groups with possessive determiners and pronouns. Yer, you will.
Lesson 12
Capital Letter Rules – Once and for all!!
Let’s get every student in Australia starting their sentences with a capital letter! Are you with me?!
Lesson 13
Identify Compound Nouns
The ‘how’ and ‘what’ of recognising compound nouns.
Lesson 14
Making Up Compound Nouns
Compound nouns keep the English language updated – let’s see how.
Lesson 15
Compound Adjectives
What are compound adjectives – and even better – how can you make up some of your own? Great strategy for creating value-laden sentences.
Lesson 16
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
We can count on nouns to name all our understandings, ideas and feelings but, can we count them?
Lesson 17
Phrases Containing Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Determiners give the clue to whether your noun is countable or uncountable. But, what if we want to create a phrase?
Lesson 18
Determiners Can Count
Have your download ready (one per student) to play this ‘video’ game. Hit pause if it goes to fast.
Lesson 19
Identify Abstract and Concrete Nouns
Use the ‘Concrete Noun Sensory Organiser’ to build descriptive vocabulary and watch AJ create a descriptive paragraph.
Lesson 20
Origins of concepts ‘Concrete’ and ‘Abstract’
Understanding why words were created in the first place helps us understand ‘abstract’ concepts like ‘nouns’.
Lesson 21
Abstract Noun Poem
Prepare to create a descriptive poem. Have ready your completed ‘Abstract Noun Poem Planning Sheets’ from last lesson.
Lesson 22
Identify Pronouns
Get to know how useful these simple, yet often neglected words can be. AJ demonstrates how pronouns link sentences and ideas.
Lesson 23
Types of Pronouns
Hardworking pronouns rid sentences of repetition and link main nouns (idea/subject) with the support noun (antecedent/object). Have your Heart Word Inventory ready.
Lesson 24
Types of Pronouns Continued
Taking the time to understand abstract concepts like ‘pronouns’ can be fun. Have the game download ready to play.
Lesson 25
Action Verbs
Action verbs get our nouns motivated!
Select the best verbs to describe the action before you create a sentence.
Lesson 26
Auxiliary Verbs
Known as helper verbs, we will use them, as well as our Heart Words Inventory list, as well as the exercise from last lesson, to join nouns and verbs into sentences.
Lesson 27
Modal verbs
Who knew modal verbs are auxiliary verbs? Use them to subtly change meaning in influencing ways.
Lesson 28
Forming Contractions
Forming contractions was never this much fun when I was at school. Have you got the contraction dress code?
Lesson 29
Regular Verb Tense
Grammar rules help with understanding the big picture. However, ‘hands on’ creating sentences, trains the brain to recognize the word formulas. So, let’s write something ‘brain-trainy’!
Lesson 30
Irregular Verb Tenses
…and you thought regular verb tenses were weird…
Lucky David is around to help us understand.
Lesson 31
What is an Adjective?
Select and use words to create descriptions of appearance, personality and emotion. And, with so much to say, the paragraphs will write themselves.
Lesson 32
Adjectives and Nouns Together Form Phrases
Creating adjectival phrases is lots of fun if you try to keep the order. Even more fun when you don’t!
Lesson 33
Compare Nouns with Adjectives
Revise the order of adjectives before we learn the suffixes that help us compare noun attributes.
Lesson 34
What is an Adverb?
Who knew we could say so much with adverbs. You will need your Heart Words Inventory for this one.
Lesson 35
What are Adverbial Phases?
Revise adverbs before creating compound and complex sentences containing adverbial phrases.
Lesson 36
Use Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases Selectively
Revise and practise using adverbs and adverbial phrases as you play two games. Get your downloads ready!
Lesson 37
What is a Preposition?
Prepositional phrases will write themselves after you learn how easy it can be.
Lesson 38
What is a Prepositional Phrase?
Use prepositions like bridges, to connect your main noun (main idea) with support nouns (supporting ideas). Have your download ready!
Lesson 39
Prepositional Phrase are Everywhere!
Rock your world of nouns with prepositional phrases and let those sentences roll!
Lesson 40
What are Conjunctions?
What does FANBOYS have to do with coordinating conjunction clauses? What is a conjunction anyway? And what is it coordinating? And since we’re asking – what’s a clause?
Lesson 41
Umm … Can We Have That Again, Please?
Practise makes perfect when it comes to creating simple, compound and complex sentences.
Lesson 42
Sentences that Create Impact
Use a combination of simple, compound and complex sentences to create paragraphs with impact and get ready to influence while you entertain. That’s the hallmark of successful writing.