Eating for a Sustainable Future
Term 2 Weeks 1-7
Integrated Text Task
In this unit students apply and build upon knowledge and skill established in term 1, with regards to interacting collaboratively when expressing, interpreting, analysing and evaluating their ideas. Students will also continue to practise research, note taking and paragraphing skills as they create and maintain a portfolio of learning. They will explore both traditional and modern, technological processes and systems designed to create food products. The unit accumulates in an exhibiting of a food product, designed and prepared by students according to an agreed upon criteria of success.
Discuss the unit’s Text Task before beginning the lesson sequence. Students need an exercise book or scrapbook clearly labelled with their name and entitled: ‘Eating for a Sustainable Future – A portfolio of learning’. A book label download is attached to the first lesson, as is a content page download. Also attached are word bank downloads. Use them, or something similar, to create a word wall, displaying key vocabulary terms. Add to it every lesson. Revise key terms prior to sequential lessons.
At the end of every lesson, encourage further building of skills and knowledge by discussing suitable opportunities for further learning, perhaps as homework tasks. Like their personal journals, this ‘further learning’ is best presented in a way that reflects student’s learning styles and should be included with the lesson bookwork. This additional, personalized learning may also assist when awarding grades.
Text Task
During a sequence of lessons, you will investigate the sustainability of food and food fibre production in Australian communities, both in the past and present day. Your text task is to create and maintain a portfolio of learning, which clearly demonstrates your developing understandings of the key vocabulary terms. You will apply this knowledge to design and prepare a food product.
Week 1 Lesson 1
Introduction to Unit: Eating for a sustainable future.
Connect to relevant, prior learning, as well as examine the learning expectations for this Text Task. Find out what you need to do to enjoy yourself, while achieving academic success.
Week 1 Lesson 2 & 3
Eat to sustain the body. Eat to sustain the spirit.
Eat to fulfill yourself. Let’s talk about that. We’ll also watch others fulfill themselves. And we can talk about that too. ‘Food Stories’ never tasted so good.
Week 2 Lesson 4
Food production technologies – then and now.
This lesson also introduces a five-part ABC series ‘Back in Time for Dinner’. Have a large piece of butcher’s paper ready so you can create a ‘shared Venn Diagram’ during discussions after every episode. Display your data collection on the wall and refer to it between episodes to reinforce your learning.
Week 2 Lesson 5 & 6
Rice production technologies – then and now. Are we eating for a sustainable future?
Collect information that will help you understand how technology is used to create rice products for the community – in the past and now.
Week 3 Lesson 7 & 8
Wheat production technologies – then and now. Are we eating for a sustainable future?
Collect notes that will help you understand how technology is used to create wheat products for the community – in the past and now
Week 3 Lesson 9
Traditional and Modern food technologies of some Australian Aboriginal groups.
Collect notes that will help you understand the design features of some Australian food technologies – in the past and now.
Week 4 Lesson 10 & 11
Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility.
Sustainability is a balance between economic, natural and social environments that meet the food and fibre needs of a community.
Have a large piece of butcher’s paper ready so you can create a ‘shared Venn Diagram’ during the discussion after this final episode of ‘Back in Time for Dinner’. Display it on the wall and refer to it between episodes.
Week 4 Lesson 12
Food production technologies – then and now.
There is no video for this lesson. It is rather an opportunity for students to finish off their learning portfolios and for teachers to ascertain development of skills and understandings, before moving onto to the design challenge. Don’t forget to update your Heart Word Inventory!
Week 5 Lesson 13
The design challenge – are we ready?
Get ready to start thinking about your design challenge. Begin preparing text skills to communicate your ideas, as well as amend and improve them
Week 5 Lesson 14
From flowchart to production steps.
Let the learning flow as you step your way into production mode!
Week 5 Lesson 15
Safe Practises. Keeping safe is essential to all processes and systems that involve the use of technology.
Um – question. What is ‘processes and systems’ again?
Week 6-7 Lesson 16
Evaluate to succeed.
You have everything you need to begin planning your design challenge this week. Next week, you will manufacture and present your sustainable food product. What then?