My Community – Past, Present, Future.
Term 1 Weeks 6-10
Integrated Text Task B

In this unit students will develop awareness of community. Which means new vocabulary! Ensure students understand ideas behind the words before they write them into their Heart Word Inventory, on pages 18 – 19. You might like to keep the new words on a class display and add to them every lesson. Also, consider creating a display space in your classroom for sharing the completed text tasks – the two shared timelines. This is a wonderful opportunity for sharing and celebrating the efforts of your classroom ‘community’, with each other and visitors to your classroom.

Presentation of Finished Tasks
The completed text tasks that you will collect from students are parts of two timelines, both estimated to measure approximately two to three metres. Once you select your display area, cut the two timelines from coloured cardboard (different colour for each) and fit them in the display space, leaving enough room to display students’ work. Titles can be written within the ‘line’ and ‘dates’ as you go. The title for the formative task is: ‘Our community – past, present and future’, and the summative task is: ‘Our community – celebrations and commemorations’. Once students complete their set task, place the final copies around the timelines and to complete your class display, organise downloaded images. Laminating students’ work is recommended for a tidy display and providing students with a nice keepsake when the display is dismantled.

I refer often to the ‘Write On It’ and WRINKS ideation tools. If you are using them, then have an ipad or similar device available to take copies of students’ work during ideating and drafting stages, or photocopy if you require hard copies. If you are not using these ideation tools, then have similar writing tools available for students’ use, such as mini whiteboards or butcher’s paper and explain the adjustment to your students.

Discuss the unit’s Text Task before beginning the lesson sequence.

Text Task
Having developed research, notetaking, and paragraphing skills, for creating and responding to text, you will practise these new skills whilst researching characteristics of a community. Together with your peers, and using your research notes, you will create two timelines, one called ‘Our community – past, present and future’, and the other, ‘Our community – celebrations and commemorations’.

Week 6 Lesson 1

We Are Learning To use a simple table to research characteristics of a community

Week 6 Lesson 2

We Are Learning To use a Venn diagram to research characteristics of a community

Week 6 Lesson 3

We Are Learning To express an opinion

Week 7 Lesson 4-5

We Are Learning To understand values and beliefs that hold a community together by asking questions and expressing opinions based on facts

Week 7 Lesson 4-5

We Are Learning To understand values and beliefs that hold a community together by asking questions and expressing opinions based on facts

Week 7 Lesson 6

We Are Learning To reflect

Week 8 Lesson 7

We Are Learning To use a timeline to understand that community changes over time.

Week 8 Lesson 8-9

Formative Text Task

Week 8 Lesson 8-9

Formative Text Task

Week 9 Lesson 10

We Are Learning To identify Australian commemoration and celebration days, such as ANZAC Day

Week 9 Lesson 11

We Are Learning To identify Australian commemoration and celebration days, such as Sorry Day

Week 10 Lesson 12

Summative Task